Four steps and many resources for effective AI in Marketing self-education

“AI is probably going to be single biggest disruptor & enabler of marketing in total. It’s a dream come true, from a marketer’s perspective,” said Raja Rajamannar, CMO/CCO and President of Mastercard not too long ago. But where to start, where to continue and how to self-educate in an effective way? Here are some (re)sources …

Freeze or sneeze? – How innovation improves life

Since the covid warnings have spread through the news even faster than the virus itself, we have started to ventilate like never before by opening our windows at home and at work at any time and length. Now that winter is coming and energy prices haven been soaring to unknown heights, this could turn out …

Energy Transition in Action – Hydropower Hope

Renewable Energy Challenge In 2019, the share of electricity in final energy consumption was 19%, which according to Bloomberg could grow to 49% in 2050. This means a massive increase from 79 EJ to 192-194 EJ mainly driven by wind, solar and nuclear power [1]. Surprisingly the Bloomberg report does not mention hydropower, which in …

Can Artificial Intelligence reduce the bias in Marketing and Market Intelligence?

In June 2019, Jake Silberg & James Manyika of the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) published the essay ‘Tackling bias in artificial intelligence (and in humans)’ [1]. In the below article, Philip van den Berg shares his experience with this phenomenon in Marketing and Market Intelligence. He shares some thoughts about reducing relative bias and the …

Driving purchase behaviour and customer loyalty

I have always been fascinated by what drives purchase behaviour and customer loyalty. Whether it was at the local dairy shop and the mobile supermarket, that I as a little boy visited with my mum, or at today’s rapidly growing high tech brands that are disrupting the world. What value, what experience do they bring, …